Hidden in the Hood
"Hidden in the Hood is a brilliant concept - a fascinating delve into the past, uniting that past with its often less romantic present." -Hugo Vickers, Royal Historian

You may be surprised to learn that your neighborhood changed the world. Urban areas are constantly evolving, but as neighborhoods move into the future, memories of the people, places and events that made history there fade away. So, come for a walk through “The Hood” with hosts Scott Watkins and Tom Morris as they uncover amazing but hidden history in an engaging and entertaining way. First stop: Baltimore, where a row house on Biddle Street played a significant role in dethroning the King of England. Residents of the street have all but forgotten it was once the home of a little girl who grew up to become Wallis Simpson, the love of King Edward VIII’s life and the woman for whom he’d throw away the crown. Scott and Tom visit the sites of her many escapades, and astonish current-day residents with the news of their connection to Earth-shattering events.

If interested in this show, please contact Doug Maddox at 410-825-7400 or email him at doug@dbmcommunications.com. You can also contact us here.

Hugo Vickers, Royal Historian
"Hidden in the Hood is a brilliant concept - a fascinating delve into the past, uniting that past with its often less romantic present."

Charles W. Mitchell, Author Maryland Voices of the Civil War
"Hidden in the Hood is a wonderfully fresh formula for exploring the colorful characters and events that have helped shape our past. This is rich, from-the-bottom-up history that illuminates the lives of those who once lived where we live and walked where we walk. Who knew that our homes, streets, alleys, storefronts, cemeteries and monuments have such vibrant stories to tell us?"

John F. Ross, the Executive Editor of American Heritage magazine, writer and recent recipient of the Fort Ticonderoga Prize for Contributions to American History
"You are really onto something with Hidden in the Hood. The idea that fascinating stories lie waiting to be discovered right in our own neighborhoods is intoxicating--and little explored on television today. By connecting reality tv with solid history and a lively camera, Watkins has found a sure formula to bring audiences engaging, informative, and important television."

Mark B. Letzer, Co-editor The Diary of William Faris, Maryland Historical Society
"Hidden in the Hood is a timely encapsulation of historic facts delivered to a busy modern world. The sights being explored are easily overlooked and these episodes provide us with bite-sized nuggets of information from a bygone era."